What is Gynecomastia

If you’re wondering what is Gynecomastia? It is the status of enlarged male breast tissue commonly treated with male chest reduction surgery. At Alpha Male Plastic Surgery, our team specializes in gynecomastia treatments for men. Contrary to common belief, studies show Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of the male population. Men who have oversized pec tissue experience feelings such as embarrassment, emotional distress, as well as avoidance of intimacy.


What Is Gynecomastia?

  • Excess localized fat
  • Excess glandular tissue development
  • A combination of both excess fat and glandular tissue
  • Those above may be current in one or both pecs

Male chest reduction surgery can help by reconstructing a flatter, firmer look to the male chest. Before surgery, Drl. Steinbrech shall check the patient to see if there is any medical cause of their Gynecomastia.

Factsheet about Gynecomastia surgery
Male chest enlargement involves men of all ages. Causes of Gynecomastia include side effects of certain drugs, disease, hereditary conditions, and hormonal changes.

Specially trained members have a thorough knowledge of male chest reduction surgery for male patients, giving thousands of men the look and self-esteem they desperately want. Patients of specially trained members no longer have to hide under loose clothing or feel ashamed of their once-problem area.

How Is Gynecomastia/Male Chest Reduction Performed?

Liposuction can help best achieve male chest reduction by removing excess glandular tissue. The average surgical time is about two hours and requires local or general anesthesia. You will be asked to wear a unique compression garment for readjustment to help support the new contours of your chest. Downtime is minimal (approximately one week), and results are permanent unless future weight gain causes excess fat in the pecs area. If you are considering male chest reduction, it is vital to look for a board-certified plastic surgeon. Surgery costs are worth the comfort and trust you will obtain from the right doctor.

MiniGyno™ Incision Treatment with TetherProof™ Technology

Dr. Steinbrech and the staff at Male Plastic Surgery have developed a unique technique using a smaller puncture mini-incision. This technique removes the glandular tissue and fat without a larger incision that patients fear may tether them with more significant scars. The result is that the patient is given more courage at the beach or in a bodybuilding competition.

What Are the Types?

Unlike many other conditions men experience, this condition surfaces in several forms. Below is a comprehensive list of each and what to look for. The team at Male Plastic Surgery will ultimately diagnose which of these types the patient is experiencing.

The types of Gynecomastia Gynecomastia Types 1-3

Type 1: Type 1 gynecomastia is called “puffy nipple.” It is usually composed of firm and dense glandular tissue. Many Type 1 gynecomastia patients are young, have lean body mass, and have little fat. Surgically removing the glandular chest tissue is the preferred choice for surgeons and is minimally invasive.

Type 2: Type 2 Gynecomastia is the most common type. Most males have excess chest volume that consumes the lower chest. This area is often the size of a tennis ball and could even be as large as a softball. Liposuction is the preferred and most efficient treatment; however, some patients have fatty and glandular tissue combined. For these types of cases, a combination of liposuction and surgical removal is the preferred choice of surgery.

Type 3: Type 3 gynecomastia has a chest angle of 45-60 degrees and begins to sag when the angle is within this range. Treatment for Type 3 gynecomastia depends on the age and skin quality of the chest. To eradicate excess chest tissue, your doctor will surgically remove it. 

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Gynecomastia Types 4-6

Type 4: Type 4 gynecomastia has a chest angle of 60-90 degrees, which means there is already a noticeable component of chest sag. Skin removal is necessary to correct the visibility of chest sag. Surgical removal of chest tissue is the ideal procedure to ensure all of the chest tissue is removed. Liposuction is not an effective treatment for eliminating Type 4 gynecomastia.

Type 5: Type 5 gynecomastia is sagging chest tissue that falls below the chest fold and the bottom of the areola above the chest fold. It requires an anchor lift to tighten the chest. Males with Type 5 have extra excess skin that needs effective treatment. A specially trained member will perform both liposuction and surgical removal of chest tissue at the same time for this type of Gynecomastia.

Type 6: Type 6 gynecomastia has severe chest tissue sag and falls below the chest fold. It becomes visible, extending under the armpits and towards the back. If the patient is bulky and overweight, liposuction may be used to flatten the pecs and decrease the fatty deposits. A specially trained member would prefer to have the glandular chest tissue surgically removed to eliminate unnecessary chest tissue.

Type 7: Type 7 gynecomastia has the top of the areola sagging below the level of the chest fold. The pecs may have a noticeable volume, often extending towards the back. Surgical removal of the chest tissue is the best option for Type 7 gynecomastia to ensure complete elimination of all unwanted chest tissue for male patients.

Schedule Your Gynecomastia Consult

Book your consult with us in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles today. For more information about Gynecomastia, please complete our contact form to set up your consultation for male chest reduction today.

To further understand the myths and treatments for Gynecomastia, you can read more about Gynecomastia in this article on Medium or one of our articles.


Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More seals


Lipo for men with Dr. Douglas Steinbrech