Kybella for Men
Kybella, for men, is an effective method to eliminate double-chin. In the not-so-distant past, invasive surgeries like liposuction were practically the only solution to the dreaded submental fullness, or “double chin.” Despite our best efforts, many can not banish the often hereditary submental fullness that we feel ages us. Regardless of our nutrition or exercise regimens, it is the only non-invasive, FDA-approved injectable treatment for men. It is the safe, effective, and nearly painless creation of Allergan, the creator of Botox and Juvederm dermal fillers. Ultimately, these treatments for men dissolve fat cells, specifically targeting submental fullness.
What Is Kybella?
It is the first FDA injectable drug approved for dissolving and contouring submental fat (aka “double chin”) to improve the appearance of a man’s profile. Manufactured by Allergan Cosmetics, the makers of Botox and Juvederm dermal filters, It’s a safe, effective, non-invasive, and permanent treatment, making it a popular and favorable therapy for over-complicated, invasive surgeries like liposuction. This treatment was under development for nine years, and at that time, it was subject to 20 clinical trials involving over 2,600 patients to ensure its effectiveness and safety.
How Does It Work?
Kybella is a unique, safe, injectable treatment that dissolves submental fullness and contours the jawline for a youthful appearance. Deoxycholic acid is the main active ingredient in Kybella and is also naturally present in the body. This aids in the absorption and breakdown of dietary fat, and once the fat cells are eliminated, they are permanently absent, and the fat cells can no longer accumulate. Meanwhile, fat cells eliminated via Kybella injections are excreted from the body through natural metabolism. The process is gradual, and the fat dissolved via Kybella slowly dissipates.
The treatment begins with topical anesthetic numbing, after which the submental area is marked with a grid. The grid is removed, and your doctor or specialist follows the pre-marked areas and injects them with Kybella. Afterward, ice packs are immediately placed on the area to reduce swelling. Retreatment occurs 4-6 weeks later, depending on swelling.
What Are the Benefits?
Unlike invasive surgeries like liposuction, this non-invasive alternative treatment method without sutures gives quick, noticeable, and lasting results. Other procedures like liposuction can be dangerous and ineffective, as there’s always a chance that the fat cells may return. It destroys fat cells, preventing them from storing and accumulating in the previously affected area. With Kybella, you’ll see precise results after a few treatment sessions. Treatment takes as little as 15 minutes, with no required maintenance treatments, and the procedure is practically pain-free. A topical anesthetic is applied to minimize any pain and discomfort that you may experience before Kybella treatment injections are applied. You’ll have a defined, rejuvenated, youthful jawline and profile that will inspire confidence.
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Where Can Kybella Be Used?
Kybella has been proven effective and FDA-approved for the submental fat area below the chin. It has also been used to treat other small, localized fat cell areas on the body, including, but not limited to, the jowls, the upper and lower abdomen, underarm areas, calves, thighs, lower buttocks, and the inside of the knees. You are advised not to use Kybella if you have an infection in the treatment area. Children under 18 should not use Kybella.
How Many Kybella Treatments Will I Need?
The number of Kybella treatments varies depending on the amount of fat in the submental area. The average number of treatments is two vials of Kybella per session, which averages around three to four sessions. If the submental area is minimal, only one vial may be necessary per treatment session. If a man’s submental area is large, up to three vials of Kybella per treatment session may be needed, with six treatment sessions if necessary. The average patient sees results within two to four treatment sessions.
How Long Is the Recovery Time?
The overall recovery time after Kybella treatment sessions is roughly one month, according to Allergan, its parent company. This is also why many specialists advise you to wait one month between treatment sessions (3-6 weeks). Swelling appears immediately after Kybella injections. However, this is a common side effect that results from the Deoxycholic Acid fighting fat cells in the targeted area. This may last about five days after treatment. Your doctor may advise you to sleep with your head elevated. Avoid any blood thinners, strenuous activities, and exercise to avoid bruising, aggravating the treated area, and prolonging the swelling. Ask your doctor about Kybella’s treatment and your healing process.
Kybella Treatment Consultation
Book your consult with us in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles today. For more information about Kybella for men, please call and fill out our contact form to set up your consultation today.
Read more about what Kybella is here or its benefits.