What Are Forearm Implants For Men?

Forearm implants are designed to increase muscle mass and muscular definition in the lower arm area. This procedure is perfect for men who have large upper arms but struggle with increasing muscle mass in the lower arm area (forearm). Forearm implants can improve the proportion of the entire body by making it more defined and muscular. The implant’s small incision is hidden in the underarm to conceal scarring. Male patients typically see a change immediately after their forearm surgery.

Forearm implants to balance and enhance the arms

How Is Forearm Implant Surgery Performed On Men?

A forearm implant is a soft, solid silicone implant that fits each patient perfectly. A pocket is created to hold the forearm implant. The implant is inserted through the incision precisely positioned within the soft tissue. The surgeon will close the incision with sutures and apply a bandage to reduce discomfort and swelling. Patients can typically see the change immediately after surgery. Recovery time after surgery can take three to four weeks.

Benefits of Forearm Implants For Men

Forearm implants for men

Forearm implants can benefit male patients who:

  • Seek a fuller, more muscular, and defined appearance in their arms
  • Are unable to achieve the look they desire despite exercise
  • Want to restore balance and proportion to their body
  • Want an increase in the sense of self-confidence after surgery

Who Are The Best Candidates For Forearm Implants?

Forearm implants benefit men who want muscular definition and increased mass/fullness in the lower arm area but can’t achieve the desired look even after extensive muscular conditioning. They are also highly recommended for unique situations when an unfortunate injury has occurred, and surgery is needed to increase muscle mass augmentation to achieve average balance.

Recovery After Forearm Implant Surgery

After surgery, patients will be instructed not to raise their arms or do any significant lifting for two days. When the patient returns for a follow-up check-up, the dressings will be removed, and a gentle exercise program will be followed to enable the full motion of the arms. Usually, physical use of the upper body muscles may be resumed within a week or two, and total muscular activity may resume within one month. The risks of forearm implant surgery may include infection, bleeding, asymmetry, scarring, and muscle and nerve damage.

Book your consult with us in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles today. For more information about forearm implants for men, please fill out our contact form to set up your consultation today.

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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More



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