Bicep and Tricep Implants Explained

This article explains bicep and tricep implants, what they are, the procedure, and the cost. We also provide multiple before and after images to assess its impact. The procedure can significantly affect men’s muscular appearance.

Chin Augmentation Explained

Chin augmentation, or mentoplasty, alters the chin with an enhancement of a chin implant or reduction surgery performed on the chin bone. Specially trained members specialize in chin augmentation for men.  The facial features of the chin and jawline can be impacted to help balance all facial features. If the nose is prominent or significant, […]

What is Male Pec Implant Surgery

Male pec implant surgery can give males the definition they desire in the chest region. Dr. Steinbrech specializes in Hi-Definition pectoral augmentation for men. Today, pectoral implants are a favored solution for thousands of men who want to look their best. They can also be used for chest reconstruction after cancer surgery in men.