Daxxify for men is like Botox, an injection system that reduces wrinkles, crow’s feet, and frown lines

Botox: What to Know

BOTOX is a classic facial treatment famous for its anti-aging properties. Dr. Steinbrech offers BOTOX and dermal fillers for men in Chicago who wish to reduce fine lines, smooth out wrinkles, and improve their overall appearance. BOTOX® injections are ideal for men who want a cost-effective way to eliminate fine lines without resorting to a facelift. This treatment prevents deepening the “crinkles” created by facial expressions and leaves you looking younger, rested, and refreshed. Because it’s so effective at reducing fine lines, BOTOX is the most popular cosmetic injection in America.

Benefits of BOTOX for Men in Chicago:

  • FDA-approved and effective
  • Lasts anywhere from four to six months.
  • No downtime or painful surgery is involved
  • Works as both a preventative and active anti-aging treatment

With a series of injections, BOTOX offers male patients in Chicago a youthful, rejuvenated look.

Why Choose a Qualified Physician?

There are many kinds of businesses that currently offer BOTOX treatments for men in Chicago. While BOTOX might not be a surgical procedure, choosing an experienced plastic surgery expert to administer it is still vital. Professionals unfamiliar with appropriate techniques could cause male patients to look frozen, stiff, or unnatural. Dr. Steinbrech has given countless male patients BOTOX. Dr. Steinbrech tailors your BOTOX treatment to help alleviate the problem areas that affect you the most while giving you a natural look.

How Does BOTOX Work?

BOTOX is created from a purified protein that relaxes your facial muscles. That relaxation works in reducing the issues that create wrinkles and fine lines. When given by a trained physician, BOTOX is FDA-approved, minimally invasive, and safe. It can also help patients who deal with excessive sweating or migraines.

Dermal Fillers for Men in Chicago


Restylane® has been used by dermatologists to combat aging since 1996. This injectable treatment is designed to smoothen wrinkles, sculpt your face, and add contoured structure for male patients in San Francisco.   The most common places treated via Restylane in men are between a man’s brows and folds from the base of his nose to the corners of his mouth. Restylane’s unique water-binding ability also means that patients get longer-lasting results than what they would get from BOTOX.

Benefits of Restylane for Men:

  • FDA-approved, safe, and very effective
  • It lasts as long as a year or more
  • There is little risk of a reaction
  • Made of ingredients that are naturally occurring in the human body

How does Restylane work?

Restylane is a synthetic gel made from hyaluronic acid (HLA), a naturally occurring substance found in the human body. A Restylane injection works both immediately and continues to work after its injection, thanks to its water-binding trait. When first injected into the skin, Restylane NASHA™ gel improves the volume and fullness of the skin. This works to smooth out facial wrinkles by adding volume to the areas affected by creasing. After Restylane is injected, the water-binding agent integrates into dermal tissue and maintains the volume for as long as possible. Restylane carries little risk of allergic reaction and doesn’t require allergy testing. Side effects are very slight, with temporary redness and swelling around the injection site being the most common. Restylane’s side effects typically don’t last for more than two to three days.

What Should Male Patients Do Before Restylane Treatment?

Before Restylane treatment, you should avoid using NSAIDs, aspirin, caffeine, St. John’s Wort, or taking large doses of Vitamin E. These medications may increase bruising or bleeding post-treatment. Additionally, men who suffer from cold sores should know that injections can cause a flare-up. However, the chances of this happening are relatively mild—Radiesse Filler for Men in Chicago. Chicago men who want to should also consider Radiesse to reduce wrinkles. Radiesse is a synthetic filler similar to Restylane in its use. What makes Radiesse different from Restylane is the method it uses. Radiesse reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and scars by augmenting your natural collagen supply. Radiesse is derived from the same minerals found in our bones and is fully biocompatible. Therefore, it carries little risk of an allergic reaction; no pre-testing is required.

Unlike other fillers, Radiesse can be used in many areas of the body for men, including:

  • Your lips and mouth corners
  • Browlines
  • Frown lines
  • Depressed Scars

Treatments with Radiesse take 15 to 20 minutes, just like with most other dermal fillers for men. Side effects can include swelling or bruising, with only a local anesthetic needed. Swelling from Radiesse subsides within a few days. Like with other fillers, results are immediately visible after the injections. The results are temporary, and the procedure can be repeated regularly as the patient desires. It’s worth pointing out that the FDA has specially approved Radiesse for the correction of lipoatrophy (loss of fat beneath the skin) in HIV patients.


One of the most potent dermal fillers for men in Chicago who are serious about reducing aging is Sculptra®. Sculptra reverses the loss of fat underneath the skin – known medically as lipoatrophy. During this treatment, Dr. Steinbrech injects Sculptra into the deeper layers of the skin. He uses Sculptra to help reduce the appearance of sunken cheeks, noticeably deep wrinkles, and hollow eyes. The main ingredient in Sculptra is a unique form of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). AHA has been used as the main ingredient in surgical products for decades. Sculptra is the longest-lasting, with an average span of two years between touch-ups. Male patients should fill out the contact form to receive more information about Botox for men in Chicago. We will work with you to set up your consultation with a specialist. Dr. Steinbrech will additionally discuss other dermal facial fillers for men in Chicago – including Sculptra, Restylane, and Radiesse.

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Dr-Douglas-SteinbrechDouglas S. Steinbrech, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon that specializes in male aesthetics. Dr. Steinbrech is certified by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Learn More



Lipo for men with Dr. Douglas Steinbrech