Male Grooming Is on the Rise in 2023

According to market insight company Statista data, male grooming rose in 2023. Projections indicate that the global male grooming market will reach an estimated $115 billion by 2028, a substantial increase from its valuation of nearly $80 billion in 2022 and approximately $74.8 billion in 2021. This growth can be attributed to various factors that […]

Male Buttocks Lifts Up 644% Since 2000

While discussions on cosmetic procedures often center around women, there has been a significant surge in male buttocks lifts—up 644% since 2000—using fat transfer procedures. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons report accounts for 12% of total male cosmetic procedures in 2020. Driven by increased awareness and groundbreaking fat transfer procedures like BodyBanking®, the upward […]

How Much Does Liposuction Cost for Men?

in How much does liposuction cost for men? Well, it can vary. Patients should consider the specific area being treated, the surgeon’s experience and expertise, the type of liposuction performed, and the cost of pre- and post-operative care. While the price may seem high, patients should remember that this is a surgical procedure that requires […]

Dr. Steinbrech Discusses the New Botox Alternative ‘Daxxify’ on Fox Business

Alpha Male Plastic Surgery founder Dr. Douglas S. Steinbrech appeared on Fox Business in September 2022 to discuss the new Botox alternative Daxxify, a wrinkle reliever that, according to clinical studies, lasts nine months. The FDA approved Daxxify on September 16, 2022. Dr. Steinbreach has appeared in the press as mentions, quotes, or profiles in newspapers […]