Athletic Dad
You Chose Athletic Dad Because…
• You love your family
• You deserve to help yourself now
• You spend more time with your kids than at the gym
• You choose “shirts” now when you play “shirts vs. skins.”
• You don’t get a second look anymore
Now, dads can look younger and be more competitive in the job market by enhancing their looks with liposuction, liposculpting, eye lift surgery, and jawline contouring.
Liposuction and Liposculpting, eye lift surgery, jawline contouring for men
Hi-Def Liposculpting
Upper & Lower Eyelift
Jawline Contouring
Liposuction and Hi Def Liposculpting of the ABS, Love Handles, and Neck
High-definition liposuction, also known as hi-definition liposuction, hi-definition liposculpture, or simply hi-def lipo, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat from target areas of the body to create a slim, muscular, and athletic appearance in other parts of the body. In the abdominal region of the body, for example, for men who want to display a six-pack, surgeons remove excess fat and sculpt it to create it.
The Procedure
It may last about one to five hours, depending on the desired amount of fat removed for male patients. Specially trained members will use either type of anesthesia, local or general, depending on the size of the area. Methods are discussed during your pre-operative consultation.
The Recovery
Post-Hi Def Liposculpting, drainage tubes, compression garments, and antibiotics may be needed to facilitate the healing process. Many male patients return to work within a few days. Strenuous activity is to be avoided for about a month.
For more information about Hi Def Liposculpting for men, please visit a specially trained members’ clinic to set up your no-obligation consultation today.
Upper & Lower Eyelift Surgery for Men
Eyelift surgery, also called blepharoplasty, improves the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids for a brighter, more youthful appearance. A specially trained member is skilled at achieving upper and lower eyelift surgery and other procedures for men. Puffiness and hanging skin around the eyes are signs of aging in men. In slight cases, the hanging or hooding of the eyelid can even start to debilitate and obstruct vision.
An upper and lower eyelift can take years off your face by giving you a more rested and restored look. The zone encompassing the eye is one of the first known places to show signs of aging beginning. Blepharoplasty was the number 3 most prominent plastic surgery among men in 2012
Eyelift surgery is perfect for people who are experiencing
- Upper eyelid extra fatty deposits that cause puffiness
- Eyelid folds from sagging or loose skin
- Excess eyelid skin causing wrinkles
- Undereye bags
- Droopiness of the eyelids
An eyelift procedure for men includes minor cuts and takes years off your age.
Candidate for eyelift surgery?
- Individuals in good health are considered to have realistic expectations and are suitable for eyelid surgery.
Excess skin and fat in the upper eyelid can create a heavy-looking eyelid, aged appearance, puffiness, and sometimes block vision. Upper blepharoplasty is performed to remove excess skin and fat and can improve your eyesight.
Double eyelid surgery, also known as Westernization of the eyelid, is implemented to form an upper eyelid crease. It is also called Asian eyelid surgery.
Lower blepharoplasty is implemented to remove excess skin, reduce the look of wrinkles, and correct the shape of the lower eyelid by removing skin and fat. Sometimes, tightening the eyelid is needed to correct droopiness or sagging. Adding fat is done to enhance a “hollowed” appearance.
Cuts created during an upper blepharoplasty are strictly picked as they are made in the regular eyelid pleats. The lower blepharoplasty could be completed with an open cut below the lash line or a closed procedure with an entry point inside the lower eyelid edge.
An eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to discard skin and add or remove fat from the eyelids. The term “eyelid lift” is a misconception because the eyelid is not lifted during surgery.
Upper blepharoplasty surgery uses skin incisions to eliminate skin and fat. A thin stitch is then used to bring the skin together, creating an eyelid crease.
Lower eyelid surgery can involve skin incisions directly below the lash line or a laceration on the inside of the eyelid, called a transconjunctival approach. This approach allows for access to the eyelid fat without making the incisions visible, which is helpful for patients who need fat removed or added. This method can be combined with laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Male eyelid surgery has a high satisfaction rate of results when performed by specially trained members who are board-certified and educated at treating eyelid hanging or puffiness with blepharoplasty surgery.
With men wanting to look their best, treating the region encompassing the eye is a secure and practical way to receive a more youthful look, boosting self-assurance and permitting you to look the age you feel.
Eyelid Consultation
For more details about men’s upper and lower eyelift surgery, please schedule a consultation with a specially trained member today.
Jawline contouring for men
Also known as mentoplasty, it alters the chin with an enhancement with a chin implant or reduction surgery performed on the chin bone. Specially trained members specialize in chin augmentation for men. The facial features of the chin and jawline can be impacted to help balance all facial features. If the nose is prominent or significant, it will appear even more so when connected with a weak chin or un-pronounced jawline. Changing the appearance of the chin and jawline can further improve the look of the face and enhance the looks of aging.
Male Candidates For Chin Augmentation are:
Good health
Realistic expectations for correcting a weak chin or subtle jawline
About The Procedure:
Chin augmentation surgery is achieved through a small incision inside the lower lip between it and the gums or in the natural crease line below the chin. The overlying tissues are lifted off the chin bone, allowing an implant to be placed over the deficient skeleton bone. Sutures are used to close the incisions, and the scar is usually imperceptible. Specially trained members perform this procedure using both approaches.
Chin implants can be made from a unique medical-grade material that looks and feels like natural bone, and they come in various shapes and sizes to fit the individual.
Surgical times are an average of thirty minutes, and local anesthesia is commonly used. For chin augmentation surgery, a small incision is made just beneath the chin. The implant is then inserted, and the incision is closed.
For jawline augmentation, an incision is made inside the mouth near the area of the third molars, and an implant is inserted. Both jawline and chin augmentation can be performed with the same surgery for male patients.
Chin Augmentation Recovery
Swelling post jawline/chin augmentation surgery is common; swelling peaks typically 24-48 hours after surgery. Heightened swelling does subside, however, extended swelling may occur and final surgery results can be identified within several months. Many male patients return to work within five days after chin augmentation surgery. Avoid strenuous exercise for about ten days.
Restrictions on activities and diet will occur during the recovery period. Specially trained members should instruct all patients in dental and oral hygiene post-surgery.
For more information about chin augmentation for men or any other services on this website, contact a specially trained member to set up your no-obligation mentoplasty consultation today.